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Information Architecture of Knowledge on the Infinite Canvas


The structure of human knowledge is successfully represented as an Entity-Relationship (ER) model in various fields. Cognitive psychology explores the information storage and processing abilities of human semantic memory using the ER models which are visualized in diagrams and information maps to aid in thinking. Artificial intelligence effectively utilizes machine representation of knowledge graphs (KGs). However, visually representing KGs can pose significant challenges when dealing with a large number of entities, often in the thousands or millions. The writing surface can only be increased to a limited extent, and overcrowded figures make clarity and navigability difficult. These issues cannot be resolved on two-dimensional surfaces. This study presents a new diagram type in a virtual multidimensional information space that solves the mentioned problems. The new layout is suitable for displaying ontologies in a clear and navigable way. Supplemented with text blocks and images can serve as an alternative to textbooks for complex knowledge.

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The digital canvas approach redesigned

What has been a classical class room board used by teachers and students is transformed into a new diagram type  available on the infinite canvas provided with z-book.

Can z-book  become the new way of efficient teaching and learning for the next generation of students and teachers?

Try z-book and give us your feedback so that we can learn from your opinion.

z-book prototype

UHEI - Medical university of Heidelberg

Prof. Dr. Joachim Kirsch has been the responsible professor for providing the content and discussing and evaluating with his students the new z-book teaching and learning approach. Professor Kirsch puts the emphasis the meaningful learning approach supported by z-book instead of preparing for multiple choice exams. Watch his video and view about z-book.

Contact site of Prof. Kirsch   

watch the video
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